Coronavirus Study

Strategic alliance between CAIMED and PanAmerican Clinical Research

PanAmerican Clinical Research and CAIMED announce the Strategic Alliance of Latin American Clinical Studies Centers and the new Research Center combined in Brownsville, TX.   ATLANTA, April 15, 2020 / PRNewsire / – PanAmerican Clinical Research, which offers clinical trials services, home visits and patient recruitment; today announced a partnership with CAIMED, the leading organization…

Coronavirus Study

World Clinical Research Day

May 20: World Clinical Research Day Today, May 20, the day of clinical research is celebrated worldwide. This is a very important date if we consider that, thanks to clinical research, which allows the research and development of new drugs and vaccines, the quality and life expectancy of the population has improved significantly in recent…

Importance of screening strategies in the management of the new coronavirus COVID-19

Importance of screening strategies in the management of the new coronavirus COVID-19

The importance of screening strategies in the management of the new coronavirus COVID-19 By Sergio A. Castañeda. BSc. Esp Coronaviruses (CoVs) are a broad family of viruses that can cause a variety of illnesses, from the common cold to more serious complications, such as the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and the one that…

Estrategias de manejos del Covid 19

Importancia de las estrategias de tamizaje en el manejo del nuevo coronavirus COVID-19

Un nuevo coronavirus es una nueva cepa de coronavirus que no se había encontrado antes en el ser humano, tal y como sucede con el causante de la pandemia actual denominado SARS-CoV-2. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ha catalogado el SARS-CoV-2, causal de la enfermedad llamada COVID-19, como una emergencia en salud pública de importancia internacional, ya que se han identificado casos en todos los continentes, además de confirmarse el 6 de marzo el primer caso en Colombia.